Edinburgh’s digital skills academy is back!

picture by John Schnobrich from Unsplash of a person pointing to a macbook laptop screen

CodeClan, the Edinburgh’s digital skills academy that went into liquidation last year, is returning!

If the pilot goes well, CodeClan will offer college-based courses thanks to CodeBase as they have acquired CodeClan’s name and brand.

The content will come from San Francisco’s Qwasar Silicon Valley.

Martin Boyle from CodeBase, said: “While the pilot is relatively small and regionally-focused for now, we envisage Scotland-wide provision in due course.”

The pilot will involve college staff including lecturers who teach computing science as well as management and support staff from CodeBase.

Scotland’s nature is amazing, with plenty of culture and heritage… but the future is not tourism, bagpipes and kilts. The future is digital, and this is the way to go!


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