E-Commerce News and Netsu Blog

E-commerce news for e-commerce merchants, with the occasional Netsu update.
Curated by Netsu for your entertainment.

picture by John Schnobrich from Unsplash of a person pointing to a macbook laptop screen
E-Commerce News

Edinburgh’s digital skills academy is back!

CodeClan, the Edinburgh’s digital skills academy that went into liquidation last year, is returning! If the pilot goes well, CodeClan will offer college-based courses thanks

Pietro Reading From a Book Titled "How To Build a B2B E-Commerce"
E-Commerce Tips and Advice

B2B E-Commerce Websites – Who needs one?

If you think that your B2B (Business to Business) product or service can’t be sold online, you are in good company. Many merchants, managers, directors,

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

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